Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Water purifiers water purifier filter water purifier system

Water Purifiers, Water Purifier Filter, Water Purifier System

Blinex in 1975 revolutionized the filtration industry by making the first porous plastic water filter cartridges in India. Our first filter and every filter since, was designed to eliminate contaminates that cause unwanted taste, odour & discoloration in potable water from this simple concept of "better tasting water".

Water Technology of The 21st Century !.... Filtration Combined with Ionisation.

Our filter company has grown & developed the Patented Countertop 7-stage Water Purifier Series, which are designed to provide Bacteriostatic-Bacteriocidal-Disinfectant Purified water. In addition to disinfection it provide filtration for the removal of sediment & chemical contaminants. This system is ideal for kitchen, wash-basin, laboratories, offices, dispensary & outdoor use.

Model 100CTWB Countertop 7-stage water purifiers utilize Purification Resin to make your water microbiologically pure. NASA-U. S.A.[National Aeronautics and Space Administration] has used this resin technology since 1981 to kill a wide range of bacteria, germs, viruses and other harmful micro-organism for the U. S astronauts during each space shuttle mission. This unique purification technology is based on the natural phenomenon of Electrostatic Ionisation Attraction.

80% Of all diseases are caused due to unsafe drinking water is one of the leading health challenges in the world today. More than one billion people do not have access to safe drinking water and 80% of all diseases in developing countries are transmitted through water. Even within major metros where water is claimed potable, water systems are unsafe and cannot be drunk, atleast with confidence from taps.

Safeguard your health from waterborne diseases while travelling water quality can vary from city to city within a country, utilizing a water purifier is a first step in protecting yourself. In addition to waterborne pathogens, micro-organism that cause diseases or unsanitary conditions can also cause gastrointestinal distress among travellers.

Obtaining safe drinking water can be a difficult choice for travellers and while travelling, people drinks lots of water, is important for staying fit, and much of the available water is not fit to drink. In developing countries like ours, local mineral water bottle is suspected, the water is only as good as the product that goes in the bottle.

The Single Solutiond For All Your Water Problems !

Boiling unsafe water is an effective measure but it is not at all pratical. 7-stage purified drinking water is treated at the point-of-use as you

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