Wednesday, 19 October 2016

What is the credit

What is the credit?

You have a credit, when a body or a person lends you a sum of money.

There are two major types of credit.

Housing loans or mortgages and personal or consumer loans associated with a specific object or objects - for example, a new kitchen or a home. The revolving credit facility through payment cards will be able to provide access to a certain amount of money, you can spend as you wish, to a broad range of businesses and other retail stores.


The loans typically are paid in stable doses within an agreed period time. The mortgages or home loan can be paid off with variable doses, but most personal loans define stable, almost equal redemptions.

The revolving credit means that you have always had access to the amount of your credit limit that has not been spent. Every time you pay off a part of the pending debt, the amount of the credit limit you have, is again available to spend. So, if you have a credit limit of Ђ 1,000, spend Ђ 300 and Ђ 100 off, then you have available for Ђ 800 to spend.

Irrespective of which type of loan you choose, be sure it repay the instalments on time, otherwise you may face economic sanctions.


In order to meet the lending risk and to make a profit from their money, lenders generally charge interest earned on loans and revolving credit. That should keep in mind when you calculate your installments.

For example, if you borrow Ђ 100 and the interest is payable in annual index of around 10%, the total debt will be 110 Ђ. This is known as simple interest. The anatokismoi are more accustomed. It means that interest is charged on interest periodically.

For example, if you owe Ђ 100 and charged 10% compounded annually at the end of the first year will owes Ђ 110. In the second year, the lender will charge 10% of this total, and will add it to a pending debt, and so it ought to 121 Ђ and so forth. The interest may take interest after any time - one day, one week, one month and so on.

Loans to repay fixed amount of interest calculated in advance and added to the doses. There is often a fine, if you want to settle the pending debt earlier than they agreed.

With its revolving credit facility to repay you, how much you want it, any time. Often you can avoid paying interest, if you pay your total amount you borrowed to date to be paid the first instalment.

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