For those college students looking for a credit card opportunity to help them to buy a car within the next five years, consider the Citi Driver’s Edge Card for College Students. This credit card allows them to affordably gain rewards for the use of purchasing a new or used, US or foreign vehicle through discounts. It can offer the same purchasing power they need for college expenses but with the benefit of earning a bit of a reward as well.
The Citi Driver’s Edge Card for College Students allows for a good amount of benefits in the credit line department as well as the rewards. First off, you will have six months of an introductory rate of 0% on all of your purchases, you balance transfers and your cash advances. This is a highly desirable benefit. In addition, when that time period expires, you will have an APR of 17.99% on purchase and an APR of 22.99% on cash advances. The charges are figured using the average daily balance method on new purchases which allows for a lower fee if you carry a balance on the credit card. Yet another benefit is that there is no annual fee on this student credit card.
The Citi Driver’s Edge Card for College Students allows for a rebate ranging from 1% to 3%. You will earn 3% cash back on purchases that you make at supermarkets, at gas stations and at drugstores. In addition, you get 1% on other purchases using your card. You additionally get Drive Rebates at one cent per mile driven.
To use these rebates, you will redeem them toward the purchase or the lease of a new or used car. You can also use them for maintenance, service and repair on your vehicle. You can only earn up to $1000 in rebates for your vehicle per year and a maximum of $5000 can be earned as a maximum on any vehicle.
Those students looking for a way to earn something back in the form of help with making a purchase of a vehicle should consider this affordable line of credit.
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