Monday, 15 February 2016

How to fight jet jag

One of the worst parts of air travel is dealing with jet lag. Most people attempt to avoid it like the plague, with little success. Hopefully, though, reading this article will help you stop jet lag before it starts.

Jet lag, simply defined, is fatigue and disorientation caused by extensive air travel that crosses a number of time zones. In addition to fatigue and disorientation, you can experience other symptoms with jet lag. One symptom you can experience is broken sleep once you reach your destination. Like a newborn baby, your body may confuse your days and nights. It could take days to readjust your body to the new time zone. If you're on a vacation, this could completely change your plans. If you're traveling for business, this could make business impossible. Another symptom you could experience is confusion and fuzziness. This could make you less aware of your surroundings, which could cause safety issues in an unfamiliar location. You might also experience dehydration with jet lag. This can make you more susceptible to illness, which can ruin any vacation or business trip.

There are a number of tactics for dealing with jet lag. First, before you ever leave the airport is one of the most important times to deal with jet lag. Make sure everything you need to take care of is dealt with in the manner it should be. This can help improve your mood and emotions. Stress can only contribute to jet lag, as can exhaustion. Being tired or having a hangover can make this worse. Be sure to get lots of exercise, too. This can help you to avoid sickness, and it can help your body adjust to the time changes you will be facing. If you do get ill, like with the flu or a cold, it might be a good idea to postpone the trip as long as possible. If you must, though, be sure to bring medications along to treat your illness, as it can be difficult to find those medications once you have reached your destination.

You may want to consider both which way you are flying and what time of day you are flying. There are a number of old tales that say it is better to fly east or west or that it is better to fly during the day or during the night. It is only a matter of personal preference as to which works best for you.

Drinking plenty of fluids is a good way to avoid dehydration. As dehydration sets in, the blood capacity is lessened, and the ability of your blood to carry oxygen is depressed. If dehydration continues long enough, it can cause a dip in blood pressure, along with dizziness, nausea, or fainting. Essentially these are the same symptoms as heat exhaustion. Continuing past this point may cause heat stroke. If heat stroke occurs during dehydration, the body temperature rises. During heat stroke, the body no longer sweats. Serious consequences like seizure, coma, and death can be the result of untreated heat stroke because not only does the blood carry oxygen to muscles, it also carries it to the brain and other vital organs. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst, infrequent urination, fatigue, and dry skin. It is best to drink as many fluids as possible.

You might also consider some sleeping aids while you are traveling to prevent jet lag. If you must rely on medication, do so only under the advice of a doctor. Otherwise, try things like blindfolds, soothing music, ear plugs, or blow up pillows that airlines offer. You might even consider taking your shoes off on the plane for maximum comfort.

One final thing that can help you with jet lag is to get plenty of exercise before, during, and after the flight. Running and other exercise are the ways of helping the body cope with the stresses it is facing. Even if you have to do some simple plane exercises, you too can combat the jet lag. Some plane exercises include holding your carry on bag as close to your body as possible at a ninety degree angle. Do a few bicep curls. That should give you a good workout. If you can, balance the bag on your ankles and do a few leg lifts. Try a simple walk around the cabin. It might be difficult, but if nothing else, it should help you to stretch your legs. You can also try placing the palms of your hands together. Push as hard as you can and hold the position as long as possible. Then try grabbing the nearest book. Hold your arms out flat with the book on top. Hold the position as long as you can. Rest for a few minutes and then repeat. Finally, stretch each muscle of your body any way you can. One important thing to note as you try your exercises is to be respectful of the passengers around you.

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